
Omega Lawn Care Exists to Provide Professional Quality Turf Care Service

To create the beautiful lawn you dream of and keep it looking beautiful and weed free all year long. We are based in Lawrenceville, GA and service all throughout Gwinnett County and Metro Atlanta. We offer fertilization and weed control services. We provide a three-fold commitment to our customers.

     1. To provide outstanding lawn care with great results

     2. To always be reliable and trustworthy

     3. To offer competitive pricing with no hidden fees or surcharges

Fertilization and Weed Control

We all want a beautiful lawn where that we can enjoy playing with our kids and that will bring beautiful curb appeal to our home. Although grass gets its nutrients from the soil it often needs a little help during the growing season. Fertilizer can help your lawn stay healthy, encourage leaf and root growth, reduce troublesome weeds, aid in recovering lost nutrients and help the lawn recover from numerous activities.

Round 1
(Begins early January) Po Annua Pre-emergent / Broadleaf weed control. Spot Treats for any grassy weeds and prepares your lawn for the Springtime.

Round 2
(Begins mid February) Crabgrass pre/post-emergent, Broadleaf Weed Control. (Around this time is the optimal time to call to add Core Aeration to your services. Please see Core Aeration tab below for more details.)

Round 3
(Begins early April) Heavy application of Nitrogen,Iron and Phosphorous/ Broadleaf weed control and Crabgrass pre and post-emergent

Round 4
(Begins mid May)Premium quality Slow release Fertilizer used to regulate lawn color, Iron (helps with the color of your lawn) / Broadleaf control to control weeds.

Round 5
(Begins early July)Premium quality Slow release Fertilizer used to regulate lawn color, Iron and Broadleaf control

Round 6
(Begins mid August)Slow release Fertilizer used to regulate lawn color, Iron, Broadleaf control, and pre-emergents for Poa-annua grass

Round 7
(Begins early October) Potash, Broadleaf control, fall pre-emergents for winter annuals weeds.Grassy weed control applied if needed.

Round 8
(Begins mid November) Lime Round to enhance soil condition to improve the overall condition of your soil in preparation for the upcoming year.


Core Aeration

Benefits of Core Aeration:
Core Aeration can aid in producing the all over health of your lawn and reducing maintenance for the following year. Aeration is the process of puncturing small holes throughout the entire lawn to allow for oxygen to travel below the surface of the soil to better feed the roots, while also allowing for deeper penetration of rainfall into the soil so that the roots can absorb the optimal amount of water. This encourages health and vitality in your lawn and keeps it looking lush and beautiful for a longer amount of time.